Monday, June 8, 2009

Closing the purchase...

We are closing the purchase of our home this weekend. We have started packing and organizing our current place. I wish I could fast forward this week so that I could own the house already! This past Saturday we took a huge load of stuff to the Salvation Army. We successfully got rid of plenty of books, 2 dressers, a huge bundle of clothing, and various odds and ends. We did not successfully pass on my husband's giant box of original nintendo games. (he was about to give them over to the the Sally Ann when he declared that he's just not ready to give them up yet). I not-so-secretly prefer old nintendo anyway. I digress...
I have emailed the contractor's to confirm our appointments on the day we take possession and the lawyers are expecting us. The money for completion costs is in the bank (yikes!). And despite being as prepared as I can possibly be, I still feel completely disorganized and unprepared. It feels a lot like the weeks before your wedding, where you can't do anymore except wait until the day comes and hope it all goes according to plan. What I am learning with life's big events is that the best that you can hope for is the guts to dive right in.

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